Wednesday morning.

It’s gone 5 ‘o’ clock but it’s still raining. That wet kind that gets you sort of wet. Don’t even think about cutting the grass now.


Maybe machines do it better?

The label on the box of Mr Kiplings Cherry Bakewells announces they are ‘Hand Finished’.

Maybe they should get a machine to line the cherries up?

Cherry Bakewells
‘Hand Finished’ Cherry Bakewells from Mr Kipling.

Swans out with cygnets.

The two Swans are out with their 6 cygnets. There are 7 but the 7th has an eye problem and is away being treated. S2

Swans and 6 cygnets
#Swans out with their cygnets. There are only 6 shown here but there are 7. The 7th is away having some treatment for his eye. S2

Enjoying a walk on a cooler day.

“It’s so much cooler today and I’m really enjoying our walk. However as it is so cool I can’t manage a #TongueOutTuesday at all.”

Janey on a walk.
“I’m out having a gentle stroll. It’s so much cooler today that I can’t even manage a #TongueOutTuesday would you believe.”

Home time.

“Right that’s it. It’s getting too hot so I’m off home. Come on, keep up.”

Janey going home
“I’m going home it’s so hot”