A burnt section of hedgerow.

10 years ago this section of fencing and the hedgerow were set on fire by vandals. Even now it’s struggling to return to its former glory.

10 years ago this portion of the fence and hedgerow was burnt down. It's just about starting to recover now.
10 years ago this portion of the fence and hedgerow was burnt down. It’s just about starting to recover now.

Small gorse bush struggles to grow.

Saw this small gorse bush growing. I think it may struggle to grow much further as it’s away from the main hedge and almost on the footpath. It may succumb to a passing tractor, hedge trimmer or people.

Small gorse bush growing.
Small gorse bush growing.
Close up of small gorse bush growing.
Close up of small gorse bush growing.

It’s about all politicians.

What’s clear about the local elections is that voters have lost confidence in all politicians of whatever party. They see them as duplicitous following their failure to complete #Brexit following the majority choice made by voters to leave the #EU completely.